2007-12-06, ver 0.14 * otree: calculate a simple octree and visualize fields on cube polywell * cube polywell symmetry mapping * transf3d - transformation matrices * beginning of field octree implementation and tricubic interpolation on it * added a few utility classes for memory allocation and binary file reading and writing * ivis: visualize different coil interpolation schemes * support for bicubic coil plane interpolation * make use of an icosahedron at sphere of charge calculations * polyp: more complete system, extra arguments 2007-11-08, ver 0.13 * fixed an issue with threading deadlock * polyp: calculate electric field of a polywell * test16: test electric charge/potential/field calculations of a sphere and torus * test14: electric potential and field of an asymmetric line of charge * test15: testing linear system solution through matix methods * added StaticLineCharge for an asymmetric line of charge * added StaticChargedSphere for a charged empty sphere * visualization of the electric potential * now using runge-kutta-nystrom method (4th order) for particle motion * rktest: testing of error in the RKN4 method 2007-09-22, ver 0.12 * introduced abstract CoilFactory * rewritten coil_shaper into ShapedCoilFactory * all relevant functions now make use of CoilFactory instead of coil_shaper * mapgen: generating situs 3D density maps of bfield magnitude * coilgen: generate coil plane interpolation data * added support for interpolation of coil fields, implemented nearest neighbour and bilinear interpolation schemes * itest: test interpolation coil data * ipoly: test run cube polywell at various interpolation schemes 2007-09-09, ver 0.11 * polywell_force: calculate force on coils * polywell_confine: confinement statistics * polywell_pierce: rewritten mostly from scratch * support for GMP (GNU multiple precision library) floating point type * support for native writing of PNG files instead of BMP using the libpng * support for threads and so support multiple CPU-s/cores (unix/pthreads) 2007-07-24, ver 0.10 * added doxygen API reference (docs/html) * added some documentation (yay:) * SWIG Python interface, ephi can now be used from within python * improved numeric stability of a ring of current/charge and line of current * test13: test numeric stability on the axis of ring of current and charge and on the axis of a line of current * renamed most of the static elements to have a more consistent naming * switched to Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2005 for windows builds; dropped old Makefile.win32 and introduced Makefile.nmake * reworked the unix Makefile * added python module for Windows against Python2.5 * renamed some of the API interfaces, mostly the Static elements classes 2007-07-06, ver 0.9 * test9: see what kind of error finite element analysis gives us * added PowerCircle2: magnetic and electric fields for this are calculated using analytic equations and elliptic integrals * switched all applications to use PowerCircle2 * added test10: compare old PowerCircle to the new PowerCircle2 field values to test validity of PowerCircle2 and analytic bfield and efield calculations * test11: compare theoretical rectangular solenoid coil field values to ones ephi simulation returns * polywell_rect_vs_round: visualize magnetic field with rectangular versus circular configurations * test12: compare single wire versus multiple wire torus-shaped coils 2007-06-20, ver 0.8 * rewritten polywell to use a configuration file instead * polywell: perspective view, zbuffer, flow path, animation, coloring * added test8 - testing circular charge * cleaned up Makefile * calculate bfield samples in polywell_bfield for cube polywell * fixed bug in spacing calculations for polywell systems 2007-05-29, ver 0.7 * renamed Magnetics into Statics * electric field generated through charged-up circular elements * test7 to visualize efield of two opposite charges in space * cube polywell efield visualization * cube polywell corner projection visualization * charge per meter (-q) argument for polywell * changed polywell simulator default parameters * polywell simulator configuration now defaults to cube polywell * it's mike's (nakenmike) birthday today, happy birthday mike 2007-05-24, ver 0.6 * using adaptive runge-kutta4 for particle path simulation * arbitrary selection of screen projection plane * moved all projection stuff away from scene into screen * proper bline rendering calibration, better accuracy at bline ranging * changed the interpretation of accuracy (-m) for polywell * injection and simulation of particles with arbitrary mass and charge * support for windows/vc6 compilation 2007-05-18, ver 0.5 * animations of line integrals * integrating specific lines over the bfield * desktop wallpapers application 2007-05-13, ver 0.4 * introduced infinite straight wire magnetic element * increased accuracy * split up field calculation from rendering in scene * cleaned up scene API * field line imaging using line integral convolution * cleaned up logarithmic visualization * fixed a bug in circular current element proximity detection code * some support for quad precision floating point (long double in gcc) 2007-05-07, ver 0.3 * lots of code cleanup and restructuring * added circle type wire element * added straight wire type element * beginnings of current wire proximity calculations * cube configuration for the polywell * signature for generated images * beginnings of x86_64+SSE2 bfield nasm code * polywell precise magnet spacing 2007-04-17, ver 0.2 * polywell electron path can now be saved into a file * fixed polywell console spamming issue * added lots of new arguments to the polywell application for making it more configurable * delta_t can now be configured from the application itself * decreased default delta_t as the old one was a bit too big * flush images in polywell every 60 seconds * fixed an endianess issue at writing bitmaps