Cube polywell, piercing, part II

We find the maximum speed we can shoot electrons at a specific point on the coil in the cube polywell with them still being deflected.

We shoot electrons from the middle of the systems towards the middle of a coil body at the position where coils are the farthest apart.

Coil cross-section diameter is 7 cm, spacing between coils was kept at 1cm. Round and rectangular cross-section shapes were emulated through a shaped 8x8 matrix of rings of current but the coils were covered by virtual round shell (of the same size for all configurations) that caught the electrons. No electric fields were present.

Interpretation: two interesting things here: square cross-section coil performs slightly worse and the electrons being shot actually get deflected from one coil but bump into another.

Data produced:
One loop:polywell_pierce_one.csv
Excel sheet:polywell_pierce.xls

Search algorithm: the search is basically a binary search. We divide the area until it is reduced to less than 1eV.

Finding the maximum speed, XY-projection:

Finding the maximum speed, XZ-projection:

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