Package ee.mare.indrek.jtlt.macros

This package provides different types of macros for use with the jtlt templating system.


Class Summary
AliasKey An utility class for the HtmlTemplate localiation system.
AliasMacro A macro (ALIAS) for accessing the alias database.
EncloseMacro A macro constructor that takes macro name, and two arguments.
HtmlKeyMacro A macro (KEY) that does HTML escaping on input.
IncludeMacro A macro (INCLUDE) for including files into a template.
IncludePlainMacro A macro (INCLUDEPLAIN) for including files into a template.
JsKeyMacro A macro (KEYJS) that escapes single quotes, newlines and carriage returns with additional slash.
KeyMacro The standard KEY macro.
MacroAdapter Adapter class for easy macro creation.
SepMacro A macro for producing separators, like commas, for easier list creation.
UrlKeyMacro A macro (KEYURL) that encodes data suitable for use inside a URL string.

Package ee.mare.indrek.jtlt.macros Description

This package provides different types of macros for use with the jtlt templating system.